
Tired of dramas

Well, I promised to tell some details about last Friday's night, when some drama happened and about alcohol and desperation. I've been thinking about alcohol a lot lately, not like that I have some mega issues with it but still it might get a bit ugly sometimes and I came to the following thought - there's no point in drinking, when you don't get drunk - few G&T won't make you feel any different, meanwhile 2 LIIT polished by couple of bubbly Kir Royal does it all. Few years ago, when I was completely happy with my life and there were no concerns I could get drunk happily whit out any further drama. Somehow last 2 years there's something not right in my life. I mean yes, I'm healthy, settled and many will not understand me, but when it comes to my personal life....ehm let's put it that way, it's not exactly what I wanted. So now, when I get drunk - I get depressed and I feel like nobody understands me, I become easily offended and may be rude to people around me, then I get even more drunk, that I cannot control myself, desperately looking for "love" which turns out as an ugly ONS and as an outcome a severe moral hangover. Almost these kind of things accrued  last Friday.
at nice cappuccino bar/ art gallery FLAT in Riga drinking LIIT, which later turned out as a big mistake

and this means: "Stop bothering me, you don't even know how I feel, you, insensitive and selfish bitches"
Well, sorry guys, but some of it was true. 

I felt bad next morning and finally understood where the problem lays. One wise man said: "drink when you are happy, and don't drink when you feel sad", another wise young man, who happened to be also my friend, said (I'm bit paraphrasing it) you shall drink while having fun, not to drink to get fun... And now I clearly see why! So from now on (it's not a vow) I won't get drunk while I'm undergoing emotionally down period of my life. Besides it will safe me from excessive calories, so yay for me!!!!
I'm still crazy about M.I.A's latest song, so sorry my two anonymous followers for hurting your eyes/ears, but this is something what I wanted to do,  because there was an urge to release my emotions by doing this:

and it really helped me - at the moment I don't fell super sad, just sad. I'm totally aware that it looks absolutely cheesy and tacky, but there's something about this aesthetics.
I don't know why, but there is someone who is obsessed with my ass and tries to snap it by any chance. Is it huge, is it sexy, is it tiny?!
Have a great sober week and let's see what I will post in 7 days. Hopefully not another sad-depressed-morally-hagovered post. Gosh I'm tired of my own personal drama and of my self in general. I need some kind of inspiration...
Dee for ED


  1. Vogue!
    Let your body go with the flow!
    (you know you can do it)

  2. Thanks for commenting, Rudolph!
    BTW the Queen (ma) of POP had her b-day! I guess it a reason to celebrate it...maybe a glass of wine (wine is food, not an alco drink)
    And maybe you know something about that obsession with my ass?

  3. dont'forget that alco is a depressant, therefore when you drink being already down, you get deeper into this depression.

  4. Thanks Mr/Ms Anonymous!
    I already can feel that. So I won't do that.
    Have a great day!
