
little celebration

Yesterday I got new undies from H&M, which were so cool, that I wanted to share with the world how cool they are. Today I woke up and first thing I did was a self portrait in my new fake denim undies. When I uploaded this picture I was pleasantly surprised, and not by how cute these undies are, but that my body got a little bit ripped! Remember I was writing about having lots of sport and it's impact on your mental state? So when you have some obvious evidences that what you are doing, actually has a result, it surely makes you feel better.

After posting it this masterpiece to FaceBook I got plenty of positive responses and my friend M gave me an idea to make "before and after" picture, which reminded me of this blog's original purpose - to track my development. So let pictures speak for themselves:
BEFORE May 31st (scary)

IN-BETWEEN  August 26th (pretty nice)

Actually there's no BEFORE picture as I haven't reached my aim yet, but this nice collage motivates me even more. So this is what happens to your body when you cut white flour and all nasty stuff in your nutrition and do some sports, like Body Pump and Body Balance. Also it's 5 month now since I gave up smoking! I'm feeling great and I guess depression has vanished completely! I know it's not a mega achievement, but this is a nice report for my self.
Good luck and I see you on the Run...my blog (gosh I watched too many Project Runway lately).
Dee for ED

Autumn is my favourite season of the year and I'm quite content, that it's finally not hot and you actually can wear some clothes, not sorts sandals....



  1. Looking great, Boy! Keep on going, but stop at "Gym Queen" border.

  2. Thank you! Boris you are one great supportive friend and follower. Promise I won't disappoint you and "Gym Queen"?! Seriously, can you imagine me being as such...hahahah :D This would be a disaster :D However in few year many things may change
